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Finnish Doctoral Network for Music Research


The Finnish Doctoral Network for Music Research is comprised of eight universities: Sibelius Academy, the University of Helsinki, the Universities of Eastern Finland, Jyväskylä, Oulu, Tampere and Turku, and Åbo Akademi.

The central operating principle of the network is upholding the preceding Doctoral Programme in Music Research (2012–2015), that is, supporting national multidisciplinary research on music and the surrounding cultural reality.

NOTE: This network does not award doctoral degrees. It exists to further collaboration in doctoral studies and supervision between music research units in Finnish universities. If you are interested in doctoral studies in Finland, kindly contact the professor(s) working in university department(s) that appear most suitable for your topic and approach.Also, there are no funded doctoral student positions available in the network itself: all doctoral students within the network are post-graduate students of the partner universities.

null Outi Valon (TaY) väitöstilaisuus 11.3.2022

Outi Valo (TaY) väittelee  Kansanmusiikin keruu ja kansallinen katse: Erkki Ala-Könnin tallennustyö toisen tasavallan Suomessa vuosina 1941–1974 perjantaina 11.3.2022 klo 12 Pinni B -rakennuksen luentosalissa 1096. Väitöstilaisuutta voi seurata myös etänä.

Vastaväittäjänä toimii professori emeritus Pertti Anttonen Itä-Suomen yliopistosta. Kustoksena toimii professori Tarja Rautiainen-Keskustalo Informaatioteknologian ja viestinnän tiedekunnasta.

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