AMASS Conference 16 - 18.2.2022: Dialogical arts through sustainable communities - Acting on the margins, redefining empowerment - Taideobservatorio

The Observatory for Arts and Cultural Education, Finland
The project collects and disseminates information on the practices, research and policies in the field of arts and cultural education in Finland, reinforces the connections between research and practical work, and supports cooperation between operators in the field of arts and cultural education and the operating conditions of the field as well as international cooperation.
null AMASS Conference 16 - 18.2.2022: Dialogical arts through sustainable communities - Acting on the margins, redefining empowerment
The AMASS Conference on how the arts can serve as a means to bring people together, from both the mainstream and the margins is held on 16 - 18 February 2022 at University of Lapland and Galleria Valo in Rovaniemi, Finland, and online platforms. Read more about the AMASS Conference and register