Etusivu - FJME
Tervetuloa Musiikkikasvatus-lehden sivustolle. Sivustolla on tietoa lehden toimituksesta sekä ohjeet kirjoittajille. Arkisto-osassa on lehden ensimmäinen numero vuodelta 1996 (vsk. 1, nro 1) ja praksialismin teemanumero vuodelta 2000 (vsk. 5, nrot 1–2). Vuodesta 2006 ilmestyneet lehden numerot löytyvät Arkistosta, jonne ne laitetaan noin vuoden viiveellä ilmestymisen jälkeen.
Musiikkikasvatus-lehti ilmestyy kaksi kertaa vuodessa. Lehden voi tilata: (ulkomaille 35 €/vsk. [sis. alv], Suomeen 30 €/vsk [sis. alv], opisk. 17 €/vsk [sis. alv]). Irtonumeroita myy Ostinato.
Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemia julkaisee lehteä yhdessä Suomen Taidekasvatuksen tutkimusseuran kanssa, jonka puitteissa toimii Hollo-instituutti.
Lehti on RILM-tietokannassa (RILM Full-text Music Journals Collection).
Lehti on saanut Tieteellisten seurojen valtuuskunnan kautta tieteellisen julkaisutoiminnan avustusta, jota opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö myöntää Veikkauksen tuotoista.
Special Issue of the Finnish Journal of Music Education 2024 – Call for Papers
The Finnish Journal of Music Education (FJME) is inviting papers for a special issue, Sustainability in Music Education.
The focus of this issue is sustainability, understood as the ecological, cultural, social and economic conditions that constitute the foundation for human existence. Sustainability is the global challenge of our time. At the midpoint of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, the United Nations have urged world leaders and civil society to raise ambitions towards accelerating progress on the Sustainable Development Goals. As music educators and music education researchers, we share the responsibility for renewed efforts, renewed hope, and transformative action.
The concept of sustainability has been criticised for being imprecise and so wide that it could be used to frame any policy or development that is claimed to be positive; however, fragmented and narrow definitions of sustainability are also problematic (Renn, 2023; Renn et al., 2009). From the perspective of music education, the chances that a person will develop a musical and meaningful life are influenced by many interactions and interdependencies in the micro- and macrosystems that sustain teaching and learning. The same ecological conditions and shared values are essential for meeting basic human needs and for the arts to flourish. Some connections are immediate and glaring, as expressed in the motto “No Music on a Dead Planet” chosen by the international group Music Declares Emergency. But there are also complex professional and personal contexts in which the tenable needs to be distinguished from the untenable; in music education, many important concerns are related to intergenerational ethics. In this issue, we encourage discussion and knowledge production on the extent to which values and practices related to sustainability are – or could be – embodied in music education. Article proposals can be empirically or philosophically oriented.
We welcome full-text submissions in English, Finnish and Swedish. Articles should meet general research article criteria. The maximum length is 7,000 words (including references). All proposals will be double-blind peer-reviewed, and required revisions will be checked by three referees with relevant topical or methodological expertise.
Authors are responsible for anonymization of their manuscripts. Manuscripts should be submitted following the FJME referencing style guidelines. For further instructions, please read the guidelines for contributors:
Please submit your text to the guest editor by e-mail as a MS Word document.
In accordance with the current policy, the journal issue becomes full open access within a year from the publication. All authors have the right to parallel publish the article’s Author Accepted Manuscript version in a repository immediately on publication with a CC BY-ND license.
- The deadline for full-text submissions is 10 December 2023.
- The deadline for resubmission after requested revisions is 10 February 2024.
Texts can be submitted directly via email to the guest editor,
On behalf of the FJME editorial board,
Dr. Cecilia Björk