Materials - Taideobservatorio

Distance art education materials
Materials in support of distance education in art and culture are collected on the website of the Association of Children’s Culture in Finland. The links include, among other things, live streams, virtual tours and illustrated instructions on artistic methods. The page is constantly updated. Visit the website of the association to view the materials.
Additionally, the association has produced the popular website on which distance arts and culture hobby materials have been collected. Browse for the materials on the site.
The website of the Finnish Association for Basic Education in the Arts provides tips on distance basic education in the arts and links to distance education materials prepared by the associations' member organisations. Read more on the website of the Finnish Association for Basic Education in the Arts.
A wealth of podcasts, arts and videos that can be enjoyed from your home has been collected on the website of the University of Arts Helsinki. Some of the materials also relate to art education. View the summary on the website of the University of Arts Helsinki.
The Association of Finnish Art Teachers has compiled material in support of distance visual arts education and learning on its ‘Kuvista kotona’ pages. View the material on the website of the Association of Finnish Art Teachers.
As part of his master’s thesis and the Arctic Reformative and Exploratory Teaching (ArtkTOP) project, Mikko Luhtasela has developed a free distance learning environment in support of visual arts education. View the master’s thesis in the University of Lapland’s electronic publication archive. A brief presentation of the material is also available that can be downloaded from this link.
The following list also contains a few tips on foreign materials that can be utilised in distance education: