ELLA booklet reference list

ELLA-vihon kirjallisuusluettelo

Johdanto: Kehollisuus ja taide kielen oppimisessa (ELLA)

Anttila, E. (in press). What’s art got to do with it? Contemplations on art, language, and embodiment. APPLES – Journal of Applied Language Studies, Special Issue: Arts and Embodiment in Language Education.

Jusslin, S., Korpinen, K., Lilja, N., Martin, R., Lehtinen-Schnabel, J., & Anttila, E. (2022). Embodied learning and teaching approaches in language education: A mixed studies review. Educational Research Review, 37(100480), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.edurev.2022.100480

Jusslin, S. (2024). Kroppen gör skillnad i språkundervisningen. Lärorikt. https://www.larorikt.fi/opinion/kroppen-gor-skillnad-i-sprakundervisningen/

Tanssi varhaisessa kielen, lukemisen ja kirjoittamisen opetuksessa

Korpinen, K., & Anttila, E. (2022). Strange encounters in times of distancing: Sustaining dialogue through integrating language and dance in primary education. Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education, Special Issue: Post-Approaches to Education and the Arts: Putting Theories to Work in Arts Educational Practices, 6(3), 45–62. https://doi.org/10.23865/jased.v6.3553

Korpinen, K., & Anttila, E. (2023). The potential of multiprofessional collaboration in integrating language and dance in primary education. Dance Articulated, Special Issue: Dance in Cross-sectoral Collaborations, 9(1), 50–79. https://doi.org/10.5324/DA.V9I1.5053

Korpinen, K. (in press). “Wild” languaging: A practice of embodied language learning when integrating dance in early additional language education. Journal of Applied Language Studies, Special Issue: Arts and Embodiment in Language Education.

Taideperustainen kielenoppiminen valmistavan opetuksen ryhmissä

Hannuksela, R., Aldebs, A. & Lilja, N. (in press). The frictions and blessings of doing community arts in schools with multilingual pupils. Ethical considerations. Journal of Applied Language Studies, Special Issue: Arts and Embodiment in Language Education.

Tanssin ja kielen yhdistäminen lukiossa

Jusslin, S., Kaarla, L., Korpinen, K., & Lilja, N. (2024). Spoken word choreographies in additional language learning practices in upper secondary school: Entanglements between languaging-and-dancing. The Modern Language Journal, 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1111/modl.12949

Kaarla, L., Jusslin, S., Korpinen, K., & Lilja, N. (2023). Ruotsin kieltä tanssien lukiossa. Liikekieli. https://www.liikekieli.com/ruotsin-kielta-tanssien-lukiossa/

Taide osana aikuisten suomen kielen oppimista

Lehtinen-Schnabel, J. (2023). Novel opportunities for intercultural music education: Integrating singing and a language-aware approach in Learn-Finnish-by-Singing choirs. Research Studies in Music Education, 45(3), 478–496. https://doi.org/10.1177/1321103X221136826

Lehtinen-Schnabel, J., & Levänen, S. (2024). Singing Language – Integrating Second Language Learning into Choir Practice. Music & Science, 7. https://doi.org/10.1177/20592043241244542

Lehtinen-Schnabel, J., &  Kivijärvi, S. (in press). From intra-action to intratwining? Language learning as an embodied activity in and through music education. APPLES – Journal of Applied Language Studies, Special Issue: Arts and Embodiment in Language Education.

Siljamäki, M. & Anttila, E. (in press). Teachers’ expanding roles and tasks: Integrating embodied and arts-based language pedagogies in physical education for cultural and linguistic awareness. APPLES – Journal of Applied Language Studies, Special Issue: Arts and Embodiment in Language Education.

Kielten opettaminen taiteen avulla opettajankoulutuksessa

Siljamäki, M., & Anttila, E. (2022). Näkökulmia kulttuuriseen moninaisuuteen: kulttuurienvälisen osaamisen kehittyminen liikunnanopettajakoulutuksessa. Liikunta ja tiede, 59(3), 99–106.  https://www.lts.fi/media/lts_vertaisarvioidut_tutkimusartikkelit/2022/lt_3_2022_99-106.pdf

Siljamäki, M., & Anttila, E.  (2021). Developing future physical education teachers' intercultural competence: the potential of intertwinement of transformative, embodied, and critical approaches. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 3, 765513. https://doi.org/10.3389/fspor.2021.765513

Jusslin, S., Korpinen, K., Hannuksela, R., & Svendler Nielsen, C. (in press). Embodied and arts-integrated languages and literacies education in class teacher education: Becoming-teachers’ diffractions of opportunities-and-challenges. APPLES – Journal of Applied Language Studies, Special Issue: Arts and Embodiment in Language Education.


Anttila, E. (in press). What’s art got to do with it? Contemplations on art, language, and embodiment. APPLES – Journal of Applied Language Studies, Special Issue: Arts and Embodiment in Language Education.