

Jusslin, S. (2024, May). Thinking and doing literacies and languages differently: Texts, bodies, and arts in language education. Keynote lecture at the conference Exploring Language Education: Breaking Boundaries for Language Education, Vaasa, Finland, 21–23.5.2024. 

Anttila, E. (2024, May): More than movement: The potential of embodied learning to support pupils' holistic growth. Keynote at AIESEP International Conference, Jyväskylä, Finland, 13–14.5.2024.

Siljamäki, M. & Anttila, E. (2024, May). Teachers' expanding roles and tasks: Teaching PE and Finnish language within culturally diverse contexts. AIESEP International Conference, Jyväskylä, Finland, 13–14.5.2024.

Jusslin, S. (2024, May). Embodied and arts-integrated literacies and languages education in primary teacher education. Keynote lecture at the LITUM symposia, Umeå, Sweden, 14–15.5.2024. 

Anttila, E., Jusslin, S., Hannuksela, R., & Korpinen, K. (2024, January). Space, bodies, and stuff as partners in thinking and writing. ECQI2024, European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Helsinki, Finland, 10-12.1.2024.

Jusslin, S., Anttila, E., Siljamäki, M., Korpinen, K., & Lilja, N. (2023, November). Embodiment and arts in language learning. Thematic workshop at the AFinLA Symposium, The Finnish Association for Applied Linguistics, Tampere, Finland, 9–11.11.2023.

Lehtinen-Schnabel, J. (2023, November). L2 learning in a choir. Paper presentation at the AFinLA Symposium, The Finnish Association for Applied Linguistics, Tampere, Finland, 9–11.11.2023.

Jusslin, S., Korpinen, K., & Lilja, N. (2023, July). Entanglements of Swedish Language Learning and Dance through Spoken Word Choreographies in Upper Secondary School. Paper presentation at the AILA conference, Lyon, France, 17–22.7.2023.

Lindqvist, A., & Jusslin, S. (2023, June). Dance and embodied learning in early literacy education. Practical workshop at the LITUM seminar, Umeå, Sweden, 8–9.6.2023.

Jusslin, S., Svendler Nielsen, C., Korpinen, K., & Hannuksela, R. (2023, May). Empowering student teachers in class teacher education to implement arts-integrated language pedagogies. Paper presentation at the LinguaPeda conference, Jyväskylä, Finland, 15–16.5.2023.

Korpinen, K. (2023, May). 'Wild' languaging: Children's engagement in embodied additional language learning practices in early language education. Paper presentation at the LinguaPeda conference, Jyväskylä, Finland, 15–16.5.2023.

Korpinen, K. (2023, May). Early language learning in dance-based activities: How sounds and movement matter for children's languaging. NoFa9 - The 9th Nordic conference on subject education, Vaasa, Finland, 9–11.5.2023.

Jusslin. S. (2023, March). Language learning through spoken word choreographies in upper secondary school: Exploring entanglements between languaging and dancing. Paper presentation at the NERA conference, The Nordic Educational Research Association, Oslo, Norway, 15–17.3.2023.

Korpinen, K. (2022, November). Arts-based approaches in early language education: An account of multiprofessional collaboration. AFinLA The Finnish Association for Applied Linguistics, Helsinki, Finland, 27.–29.10.2022.

Lehtinen-Schnabel, J. (2022, July). Music educator’s professional practice in a language-aware choir in Finland. Paper presentation at the 35th World Conference (Online) of the International Society for Music Education 2022 (ISME), Brisbane, Australia, 17.–22.7.2022.

Jusslin, S. (2022, June). Embodied learning in language learning and teaching practices: A systematic literature review. Paper presentation at the ARLE conference, International Association for Research in L1 Education, Nicosia, Cyprus, 14–16.6.2022.

Korpinen, K. (2022, June). Integrating arts and language education: Exploring multiprofessional collaboration through embodied writing. Paper presentation at the NERA conference, The Nordic Educational Research Association, Reykjavik, Iceland, 1–3.6.2022.

Jusslin, S., Korpinen, K., & Lilja, N. (2022, May). Spoken work choreographies integrating dance and Swedish language learning in upper secondary school. Paper presentation at the Nordand conference, Nordens språk som andraspråk, Reykjavik, Iceland, 24–26.5.2022. 

Korpinen, K. (2022, May). Arts and language integration through multiprofessional collaboration. Paper presentation at the Nordand 15 conference, Nordic Languages as a Second Language, Reykjavik, Iceland, 24–26.5.2022.

Lehtinen-Schnabel, J. (2022, May). Learn Finnish in a choir!  Expanding the boundaries of a choir activity through a language-aware approach. Conference poster at the MuTri10 - 35 Years of Doctoral Education, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki (May, 2022), 24.5.2022.

Jusslin, S. (2021, November). A systematic review of embodied language learning with(out) the arts. Paper presentation at the NERA conference, Nordic Educational Research Association, in Odense, Denmark 3–5.11.2021.

Jusslin, S. (2021, November). Dans som inspiration i skrivundervisningen: En icke-representationell förståelse av inspiration. Paper presentation at the NNMF8 conference, Nordiskt nätverk för modersmålsdidaktisk forskning, in Uppsala, Sweden 24–25.11.2021.

Korpinen, K. (2021, November). Kohtaamisia varhaisessa kehollisessa ja taideperustaisessa kielenopetuksessa korona-aikana. Paper presentation at the AFinLA 50th Anniversary Symposium, The Finnish Association for Applied Linguistics, Jyväskylä, Finland, 11–13.11.2021.

Korpinen, K., Lilja, N. & Jusslin, S. (2021, November). Kehollisuus ja taide kielenoppimisessa. Paper presentation at the AFinLA 50th Anniversary Symposium, The Finnish Association for Applied Linguistics, Jyväskylä, Finland, 11–13.11.2021.

Anttila, E., Lilja, N., Jusslin, S., Korpinen, K., & Kaarla, L. (2021, April). Embodied language learning through arts: Intertwinings of embodiment, artistic activity and language. Panel discussion at the virtual Bodily learning conference, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 22–23.4.2021.