Winter school and first draft days - muto
Winter school and first draft days

Student life, debate (Pietinen / The Finnish National Board of Antiquities 1931)
Winter school
The Finnish Doctoral Network for Music Research organizes an annual three-day winter school at Kallio-Kuninkala (Järvenpää) every year. All doctoral candidates with an interest in music research and affiliated with Finnish universities are eligible to apply. The application period takes place in the autumn, and decisions on attendees are made by the board of the doctoral network.
The winter school is an informal, seminar-like event, during which the doctoral candidates have a chance to present one (sub)chapter, article, or a similar text (max. 20 pages) related to their doctoral projects and get feedback from other participants. Every year, professors, lecturers, and researchers from different Finnish universities will be taking part in the winter school, and attendees will have a possibility of organising private supervision meetings with them. Typically, the winter school programme also includes a couple of guest lectures on music research. The doctoral network covers the presenters’ travel and accommodation expenses.
The next winter school is scheduled for March 14-16, 2022 and it will take place in Kallio-Kuninkala provided that the pandemic situation permits. The application form will open in November 2021 (for more information, please see the news section on this site).
Should you have any questions regarding the winter school, please do not hesitate to contact the network coordinator (
First draft days
The Finnish Doctoral Network for Music Research arranges so-called first draft days for its members in collaboration with Finnish universities. The first draft day is meant as a feedback session for a doctoral candidate about to turn their thesis in for preliminary examination and hoping for comments before sending it to the reviewers.
Each first draft day has an assigned commentator who thoroughly reads the thesis manuscript beforehand and presents questions on it during the event. Typically, there is also a possibility for other network members to attend and ask questions. However, the event’s openness and level of formality can be adjusted according to the doctoral candidate’s wishes.
First draft days usually take place around the yearly winter school dates of the doctoral networks, although they can be arranged at other times as well. If you are interested in this opportunity, kindly contact your supervisor and the network coordinator ( well in advance. All first draft day opponents are paid an honorarium for commenting and attending.
Past seminars
Queer Sounds and Spaces symposium
Oct 17–18, 2013, University of Turku
How can sounds be queer? What is the relationship between such sounds and the spaces in which they resound and which they represent? How are gender and sexuality related to sonic queerness and its spatial dimensions? Are media representations of queer constituencies, both sexual and gendered, clichéd, transgressive, or neither of these alternatives?
For the past 30 years the critical field of queer musicology has advanced a queer studies agenda by promoting the destabilization of heteronormativity as the taken for granted, dominant social order. Speakers include the musicology staff and queer studies scholars from Finland and abroad. Keynotes include professors Caryl Flinn, Stan Hawkins, and Freya Jarman.
The seminar is organized jointly by the musicology department, the IIPC and the gender fraction of the Finnish Doctoral Programme for Music Research.
"Spring school"
May 13-14, 2013, University of Eastern Finland
Two distinguished scholars, Jocelyn Guilbault and Steven Feld, pay a visit to the doctoral programme, stopping for a two-day seminar in Joensuu.
From the muto doctoral students interested in receiving teaching and comments from these experts, we wish to receive (mailed to the coordinator):
- proposals for papers (150-200 words) by Friday, March 15th, and from those accepted as participants,
- full texts (of appr 5-10 pages) by Monday, April 15th.
For more information on the seminar and/or the lecturers, kindly contact the coordinator.
Studying Cultural Memory
March 12, 2013, University of Turku
A joint seminar for students within the Doctoral Programme in Music Research (MUTO) and Phd Programme in Popular Culture Studies (PPCS)
Before the beginning of The 17th Finnish Music Researchers' Symposium, Turku 13–15 March, 2013, The Cultural Memory of Sound and Space, we will organise a small joint seminar for the members of the two doctoral programmes.
The seminar offers a chance for a small number of our students to receive detailed comments from the keynotes of the actual symposium, and some other learned experts. We hope that as many as possible of the remaining students would also participate as listeners and discussants.
The following experts shall act as commentators for 2 doctoral students each:
Professor Sara Cohen (University of Liverpool, UK) (comments on Heli Reimann / UH and Kim Ramstedt / ÅA)
Professor Claudia Gorbman (University of Washington Tacoma, USA) (comments on Sini Mononen and Anna-Elena Pääkkölä / UTU)
Visiting Professor Bruce Johnson (Cultural History, University of Turku, FI) (comments on Lari Aaltonen / UTA and Kaj Ahlsved / ÅA)
Associate Professor Morten Michelsen (Københavns Universitet, DK) (comments on Jelena Gligorijevic / UTU and Juho Kaitajärvi / UTA)
After each 10-15-minute presentation, there will be 30 minutes of discussion.
Sound – Expression – Research
December 4th–5th 2012
Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Hämeentie 135 C, Helsinki
The event is organized jointly by The Finnish Doctoral Program in Music Research, ELOMEDIA Doctoral program of Cinema and Audiovisual Media and the PhD Program in Popular Culture Studies. The seminar is hosted by The Department of Film, Television and Scenography at the Aalto University School of Art and Design and Architecture. The seminar venue is Kino Marilyn.
For more information and registration, see the seminar site on Elomedia pages.